英國政府的數位服務設計準則 ([https://www.gov.uk/designprinciples]())。

新的準則(目前還未定案) 共 10 條 (舊的只有 7 條),分別如下:

  1. Start with needs* (從需求開始)
  2. Do less (執簡)
  3. Design with data (設計數據)
  4. Do the hard work to make it simple (極力促簡)
  5. Iterate. Then iterate again (持續反饋)
  6. Build for inclusion (建立無障礙設計)
  7. Understand context (了解服務背後的真義)
  8. Build digital services, not websites (建立數位服務,不是網站)
  9. Be consistent, not uniform (一致性,而非統一性)
  10. Make things open: it makes things better (開放服務: 使得事物變得更美好)


1. Start with needs* (從需求開始)

條目中的 *,在官方網站補充說明為,

  • user needs not government needs

因此這裡的 “needs” 是使用者的需求,而不是政府自己的需求。

另外,服務因 “needs” (需求) 而起,而非 “wants” (慾望)。

2. Do less (執簡)


Government should only do what only government can do. If someone else is doing it — link to it. If we can provide resources (like APIs) that will help other people build things — do that. We should concentrate on the irreducible core.


政府應該只做政府能做的事情,如果有人做好了,連過去就好。 如果政府只要提供資源, 如 APIs,就可以協助別人做出東西, 那就提供資源就好。政府應該專注在無法化約的核心。

4. Do the hard work to make it simple (極力促簡)


With great power comes great responsibility — very often people have no choice but to use our services. If we don’t work hard to make them simple and usable we’re abusing that power, and wasting people’s time.


5. Iterate. Then iterate again (持續反饋)


Release Minimum Viable Products early (略)


move from Alpha to Beta to Launch (略)

這是引入自由/開放源碼或 Startups 的運作方式,以快速反饋的作法,來降低風險。

過去的服務,都是直到 “認為” 完整後才放行,但往往公開後才發現根本不符合人們的期待與需求,所以從一開始就一同 “與人民共同參與”,不僅可以快速得到實質的反饋,人民也能夠覺得被政府所尊重。

8. Build digital services, not websites (建立數位服務,不是網站)


9. Be consistent, not uniform (一致性,而非統一性)


10. Make things open: it makes things better (開放服務: 使得事物變得更美好)


Share code, share designs, share ideas, share intentions, share failures. The more eyes there are on a service the better it gets (略)
