原文:chasing the shiny and new

“I worry that a small subset of programmers (and their employers) have this attitude, namely a consistent focus on transitioning stacks to the newest. They pick companies primarily based on the framework, aiming for the latest instead of the best tool for the job. They spend their time playing with new libraries and frameworks, instead of improving their core technical skills.”


“If much of the team has the same favorite, it may be better to follow this – as teams do well with the tools they know intimately. Things get problematic where individual engineers each have their own favorite and advocate for changes primarily because it’s easier or more comfortable for them, rather than beneficial to the team.”


“There are several reasons this can be rational - the modern web engineer is often required be “current” to get a future job or contract; employers use a framework or language as a filter, rather than testing critical thinking and skills. Employers don’t realize that strong developers can become experts in many languages or frameworks in weeks, often days, with the right support.”

當然有幾個理由會是合理的。身為現代的網頁工程師,通常會被要求習得新技術才能獲得工作機會。因為有些雇主只會依你會什麼 “工具” 來篩選面試機會,而非測驗你核心關鍵的解決能力。這些雇主沒有意識到優秀的工程師能夠在幾週內學會多個程式語言,並以為光用新技術就可以獲得生產力的提升。

“People may suggest that choosing a modern stack is a critical recruiting tool for great startup engineers. My own observation is that the greats look for other things. By far, the most important are interesting problems to work on - and interesting people to work with them on.”


“Open Hacker News on any given day, and there’ll be a variety of posts beckoning you to learn, contribute, and build applications in a framework, language, library, or service of choice (including some companies like Mongo with serious cash, and therefore marketing budgets, behind their platforms). Some will have game changing capabilities, others a few critical differentiating features - but each will require time to become an expert. Some will loudly proclaim how they’re the future, and look derisively at what you’ve learnt - but they’ll need your skills and mindshare to truly compete with existing technologies. How will you choose?”

任何時候瀏覽 Hacker News,都充斥著各種吸引你的新技術或服務。有些技術會宣稱自己才是未來趨勢,並且嘲笑那些你已習得的技術,不過他們也需要你的技能和推廣,才能推翻原本既有的技術。你會如何選擇呢?
